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Woman packing clothes into a box to donate to charity


Support the not for profit work done by the team at CELA in Cameroon, England and Wales

With your help, you can make big changes

Your support help us to change, lives, fight hunger and increase access to education, literacy, employment and housing. Every action and donation helps. Together we can transform small steps into sweeping changes. If you aren’t sure how you can support the work that we do in Cameroon, England and Wales, please feel free to get in touch with us today. 

CELA donating computer equipment


There are several ways that you can support the work we do.


Financial support is often the easiest and most obvious way of supporting our work. Which is great as it is an effective way to progress our work. We are currently raising funds to build a library in Loum, Cameroon. Every donation counts no matter how small.


Donations are also a great way of helping us transform lives. Many in our target areas are deprived of basic needs such as clothing, books and food. Donations of unopened and shelf-stable foods such as cans, rice and pulses, new or good condition books and clothing or even good condition school furniture or computer equipment can go a long way to supporting these communities. If you have items that you wish to donate. Please get in touch today.


Fundraising is a great way to support our work as it raises awareness about the needs of people living in our target areas as well as raising funds to financially support our work. Fundraising is especially useful when you want to donate financially but don’t have disposable income.


Raising awareness is a powerful but often overlooked method of supporting our work. The reality is that many people who are able and willing to help affect change haven’t heard about the issues faced by our target areas. Raising awareness can both prompt others to donate and put pressure on relevant organisations to make changes that can positively affect people’s lives.

African Woman Washing Dishes

Transforming lives with your support

The work we do at CELA supports healthcare providers in treating their patients, teachers in educating their students and parents in supporting their children. Each little change we affect in these communities add up and transforms lives.

Cela – Community of Children of Loum in England, registered as a charity in England and Wales under charity number: 1115532.
Registered Company Address: 34 Gerardsfield road, Birmingham, B33 0BD.

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